Most of my life, I have heard that events, good or bad, arrive in three's. But what does this really mean? I really do not believe in this old wive's tale, yet there are times my resolve is shaken.
Since January, my family has been going through mostly negative incidents. First my husband loses his job. Several week later, my daughter has an accident that nearly makes my hair turn white. And now when we were all trying to re-establish our familiar routine, catch up on schoolwork and try to welcome in the springtime, another shock to our system. My mother trips and falls. She has a severely sprained ankle and a lot of contusions and abrasions but no fractures. She is an elderly woman with lots of medical problems which are now so aggravated that she is in constant pain. She is going to need a lot of help with cooking, washing, taking care of my Dad and her dog.
As I sat in the emergency room waiting for her x-ray results and making a mental list of how I was going to rearrange my schedule to come and cook her evening meals, I realized that this was incident number three. So this is it! According to the wive's tale, bad luck comes in three's and then good luck will follow. As I was rejoicing in this fantasy-made- reality moment of hope, my cell phone rings. I happily answer with a cheerful hello, just to hear that my daughter, yet again, has been injured. So much for that wive's tale's, bad incident number four, just arrived.
resolve: when used as a noun means a determination a firmness.
wive's tale: stories full of superstitions or proverbs that are orally handed down generation to generation.
rejoicing: to feel extreme joy, happiness
routine: to repeat an action or series of actions by habit
shock: a sudden surprise
aggravated: to make worse
Please complete the following sentences using the new vocabulary.
1. The child's constant crying _____________ the baby sitter headache.
2. The ____________of seeing his wife's ghost made his hair turn white.
3. He was _____________when they faund his stolen antique violin.
4. There are many _______ __________that are not true.
5. We started a new _________ of getting up earlier to watch the sunrise.
6. His ________was unshaken as the police presented more proof of his daughter's presumed crime.
Grammar Point:
Sentnces are composed of many phrases that when put together give a context and meaning. A sentence must always have a subject and a predicate. The predicate of the sentence carries the action, the movement of the sentence. It includes the verb (action/ movement ).
The lovely young lady / was shocked when she saw the man kick the little dog.
-was shocked is the verb
-was shocked when she saw the man kick the little dog is the predicate.
Re-read the highlighted sentences and choose 5 sentences and underline the predicate and circle the verb. Examples are highlighted in blue.
Since January, my family has been going through mostly negative incidents. First my husband loses his job. Several week later, my daughter has an accident that nearly makes my hair turn white. And now when we were all trying to re-establish our familiar routine, catch up on schoolwork and try to welcome in the springtime, another shock to our system. My mother trips and falls. She has a severely sprained ankle and a lot of contusions and abrasions but no fractures. She is an elderly woman with lots of medical problems which are now so aggravated that she is in constant pain. She is going to need a lot of help with cooking, washing, taking care of my Dad and her dog.
As I sat in the emergency room waiting for her x-ray results and making a mental list of how I was going to rearrange my schedule to come and cook her evening meals, I realized that this was incident number three. So this is it! According to the wive's tale, bad luck comes in three's and then good luck will follow. As I was rejoicing in this fantasy-made- reality moment of hope, my cell phone rings. I happily answer with a cheerful hello, just to hear that my daughter, yet again, has been injured. So much for that wive's tale's, bad incident number four, just arrived.
resolve: when used as a noun means a determination a firmness.
wive's tale: stories full of superstitions or proverbs that are orally handed down generation to generation.
rejoicing: to feel extreme joy, happiness
routine: to repeat an action or series of actions by habit
shock: a sudden surprise
aggravated: to make worse
Please complete the following sentences using the new vocabulary.
1. The child's constant crying _____________ the baby sitter headache.
2. The ____________of seeing his wife's ghost made his hair turn white.
3. He was _____________when they faund his stolen antique violin.
4. There are many _______ __________that are not true.
5. We started a new _________ of getting up earlier to watch the sunrise.
6. His ________was unshaken as the police presented more proof of his daughter's presumed crime.
Grammar Point:
Sentnces are composed of many phrases that when put together give a context and meaning. A sentence must always have a subject and a predicate. The predicate of the sentence carries the action, the movement of the sentence. It includes the verb (action/ movement ).
The lovely young lady / was shocked when she saw the man kick the little dog.
-was shocked is the verb
-was shocked when she saw the man kick the little dog is the predicate.
Re-read the highlighted sentences and choose 5 sentences and underline the predicate and circle the verb. Examples are highlighted in blue.
You have had a lot to deal with this semester. Keep going and don't give up!